Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I know this will change 100 times between now and Friday, so here's a rough outline.  An outline that will still leave you in suspence.

Salt of the Earth
    Salt is bad?
         Heart attacks etc
    Salt is Good
          Seasoning  etc.
Light of the world
     Bug light
     Blackout during WWII
Be the light of the world
     Mission examples
Where will your light shine?

The Research

I began looking for research on the Gospel lesson with tons of energy and excitement.  I had visions of a huge production with movie clips and songs, BUT as is always the case...God put me in my place.  You can't force your ideas on the word of God. 

So I have found a few sources which are much more appropriate for my congregation, and on a much less grand scale.

I'm going to focus on the first part of the lesson...salt and light.  I was initially uncomfortable with the salt portion.  After all salt is bad...it causes heart attacks!!!  My focus will be on our call to mission. 

I found the resources on textweek.com helpful, particularly:

Thoughts on Articles

Power Point Yes or No:

I found the Power Point articles to be very interesting!!!  The first was pro-Power Point:  This article was very palatable for me.  I DO think that technology has a place in the church, and it is necessary for the growth and attraction of younger members. 

The other Power Point article highlighted one of the problems churches face today.  Stuck on how things were and always have been.  Not willing to make changes.  Change is a fact of life.  The scripture is the scripture, unchanged, and filled with direction, but that doesn't mean how that message is delivered needs to be stagnant.  Fresh new ideas and methods of delivery will keep the lessons to be learned fresh and relevant.

The life long lessons of scripture can be polished and shined with new technology to get the message out.  After all are we more concerned with how the message is delivered, or whether or not somebody is moved by the message?

Monday, January 3, 2011

Preaching and Technology Sermon

I'll be preaching at Zion Lutheran Church (my teaching parish) in Enola PA on February 6th.  The texts for that day are: 

Isaiah 58:1-9a [9b-12]
Psalm 112:1-9 [10] (4)
1 Corinthians 2:1-12 [13-16]
Matthew 5:13-20